To kick off the Volleyball blog ....I wanted to again share the changes for Volleyball approved by the KHSAA Board of Control back in January. While this was sent out to Principals, Athletic Directors, Coaches and Assigners ...I have gotten a few questions so hopefully this will assist you. Here is what was approved. We will review this in the Rules Clinic as well.
Regular Season Varsity Play – Standard format will be best 3 of 5 sets, rally scoring, with the
fifth set being to 15 per the NFHS Rules Book. Individual contests, by advance mutual
agreement of the competing schools, may be played in best 2 of 3 sets. Member schools
may agree in advance during regular season tournaments, on alternate scoring formats. In
all cases, whatever format is used, each match shall count as one against the overall limit
of matches contained in Bylaw 25.
Regular Season Junior Varsity Play – will be best 2 of 3 sets to 21, rally scoring with the third
set being to 21. Member schools may agree in advance during regular season
tournaments, on alternate scoring formats. In all cases, whatever format is used, each
match shall count as one against the overall limit of matches contained in Bylaw 25.
Freshmen Play – will be best 2 of 3 sets to 17, rally scoring with the third set being to 17.
Member schools may agree in advance during regular season tournaments, on alternate
scoring formats. In all cases, whatever format is used, each match shall count as one
against the overall limit of matches contained in Bylaw 25.
Post Season Varsity Play – The format for all matches will be best 3 of 5 sets, rally scoring, with
the fifth set being to 15 per the NFHS Rules Book.
Warm-up Time, Regular and Post Season – Standard 15 minutes of warm-up time between
matches: using the 4-4-4-2-1 format (4 minutes of share; 4 minutes of each team with
serving team taking court first, 2 minutes of serving and 1 minute back at the bench area
prior to taking the court)
Officials Pay – All varsity matches, regardless of format, will be $40 per match, including all
tournaments. The non-varsity fee, along with any travel or expense addition to the varsity
fee, remains at the discretion of the local policy board.
Please note that there is no cap and schools could not vote to choose to alter any of the above. This was put in place to make sure that we are uniformly adhering to playing rules/procedures across the state. As mentioned above ...schools do have the opportunity when both agree, to play 2 of 3 sets in regular season contests.
We look forward to the 2012 Volleyball season this fall!